ubitricity reveals “Big ambitions for Scotland”



In an exclusive interview with Electric Vehicle Association (EVA) Scotland, ubitricity UK Managing Director Toby Butler revealed that dedicated funding and resources are to be part of the company’s next phase of growth in Scotland.

Indeed, the on-street charging provider has promised to “work closely with Scottish local authorities to help develop their EV strategy, from funding through to charge point deployment and maintenance, to make sure that residents have access to the best network possible.”

With over 5,500 charging points, ubitricity operates the largest public charging network in the UK, reflecting its “mission is to accelerate the public’s transition to e-mobility,” by installing public charging where drivers need it most.

“We have big ambitions for Scotland. Transport Scotland has done a brilliant job on kickstarting their EV charging infrastructure strategy, and we want to dedicate funding and resource to be part of this next phase of growth in Scotland,” said Butler.

“We believe that no one should be left behind in the transition to e-mobility. Those residents who can’t have a home charger or don’t have access to a private parking space or garage should be able to easily access public charging infrastructure close to home.

“Our plans for the next year are to work closely with Scottish local authorities to help develop their EV strategy, from funding through to charge point deployment, and make sure that their residents have access to the best network they possibly could have.”

While there are a variety of use cases for EV chargers, ubitricity provides slow on-street chargers, close to homes on residential streets. ubitricity’s solution is to turn lampposts into charge points by using existing street light infrastructure to provide help to local authorities in the rapid expansion of public charging infrastructure.

Lamppost charging points allow residents without access to off-street parking to easily charge their electric vehicle, close to home using a standard type-2 cable. When lampposts are deep set and not situated near to the edge of the kerb, ubitricity deploys its satellite bollard charge points solution, so that users can enjoy the same charging experience without the risk of trailing cables across pavements.

ubitricity claims big ambitions for scotland in eva scotland interview

ubitricity has said it will work closely with Scottish local authorities.

As part of the Shell group, ubitricity has pledged to install 50,000 on-street EV chargers installed across the UK by the end of 2025. Now, according to Butler, the company putting particular focus on Scotland and the north of England over the coming 12 months.

“For the UK to truly transition to e-mobility, charging infrastructure needs to be easily accessible everywhere and currently there is an imbalance in charging infrastructure between the north and south of the UK,” Butler continued.

“The most exciting development for us in Scotland is that we are already in contact with 24 Scottish local authorities and aim to be in contact with all 32 of them by the end of the year. The next step for us is to develop a deeper understanding on what each local authority needs.

We want to bring our data and mapping capabilities to the local authorities of Scotland to put together the best tailored EV charging infrastructure approach for their residents.”


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